Consultancy in the field of taxes on salaries and wages

Skutecznie doradzamy w podatkach

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tel: +48 22 734 76 00
fax: +48 22 724 34 36

Consultancy in the field of taxes on salaries and wages

ACCO Law & Taxes offers comprehensive consultancy on salary taxation and insurance payments. Our offer is dedicated to corporations, SMEs and firms representing the public/private sector, employing Polish and foreign personnel on the basis of standard accounting variants and/or implementing incentive-based wage policies.

Consultancy offered by ACCO on taxation of salaries/wages comprises salary optimization, analysis and/or development of internal formal procedures, and ongoing tax and legal support.

What benefits do we offer?

Certainty and assurance in the field of law and taxes
Higher profits from employment
Reduced fixed costs
Optimization of net salaries and wages
Flexible options of cooperation
Responsible and reliable partnership

Consultancy in the field of taxes on salaries and wages - the proposal

  • Consultancy on taxation of salaries/wages paid to Polish and foreign personnel and rules of social security/health insurance payments.
  • Development of effective employment procedures from the tax perspective.
  • Implementing solutions aimed at increasing the net values of salaries (including 50% deductible costs scheme).
  • Implementing tax arrangements and procedures aimed at reducing taxation of the incomes of directors and managing staff.
  • Implementing tax arrangements and procedures aimed at lowering social security and health insurance burdens.
  • Implementing tax arrangements and procedures for incentive schemes and associated remuneration options.
  • Consultancy on taxation of salaries/wages for employers sending their personnel on international assignments, particularly to EU member states.

We offer salary taxes optimization according to the applicable law. In this way, advice from ACCO’s tax experts will give you higher profits and legal certainty.

Try us, and the most advanced global standards are guaranteed