Legal opinions, applications for tax rulings

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Legal opinions, applications for tax rulings

Tax laws and regulations frequently tend to be ambiguous and their right interpretation may be problematic. It is easy to make a mistake in case of uncertainty, which can lead to negative consequences. For this reason, any doubts your accounting department or your third party bookkeeping service provider may have should be confronted with the knowledge of experienced professionals.

Certified public auditors from ACCO Law & Taxes will draft reliable tax/legal opinions for you, with recommendations for secure, optimized solutions.

In case of doubt, we can prepare a customized application and file it to the Tax Chamber on your behalf, on the basis of a power of attorney, for a tax ruling concerning the matter.

Legal opinions

We produce legal opinions which will help you avoid the risky trial and error method, or even make significant changes in the daily operations of your business.

Requests for tax rulings

The requests we file for tax rulings warrant an unambiguous reply relatively quickly, which can be relatively quickly implemented in business practice, with the assurance of legal certainty.  At the same time, requests for tax rulings can be perceived as effective safeguards in the event of tax investigation.

What benefits do we offer?

Significant time savings
Reliance on making the right decisions
Optimization of business operations
Certainty and assurance in the field of law and taxes
Assurance in case of official investigation
Ongoing support from experts

Legal opinions, applications for tax rulings - the proposal

  • Thorough analysis of tax/legal regulations in the context of business operations, legal status and business profile.
  • Drafting professional legal opinions with recommendations for secure and most advantageous legal and tax arrangements.
  • Drafting accurate, substantiated requests for rulings on interpretation of tax laws on the basis of the power of attorney conferred by the client.
  • Ongoing support and representation in discussions with tax authorities.

With our long experience, we carry out professional, fully customized tax audits, taking into account industry-specific aspects and nuances.

Try us, and the most advanced global standards are guaranteed