Mitigation of tax risks

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Mitigation of tax risks | ACCO Law & Taxes

Mitigation of tax risks implies tax and legal assurance for your business, certainty during tax investigation procedures and for tax accounting, and a solid foundation for stable business development.

ACCO Law & Taxes will give you all the specified benefits, complete with a preliminary tax optimization plan.

We will do the following for this purpose:

  • Review ongoing tax and legal activities;
  • Identify specific threats;
  • Develop and implement effective procedures to mitigate tax risks;
  • Specify the available options for tax efficiency;
  • Provide ongoing support in interpretation of tax legislation;
  • Produce legal opinions and/or prepare applications for tax rulings;
  • Provide training for your personnel;
  • Ensure regular tax & legal monitoring plus cyclical reports.

Who is the dedicated target of our services?

Our tax risk mitigation services are designed for such clients as: corporations, companies/partnerships, sole proprietors of businesses and self-employed individuals, foreign organizations, local government units.

It should be borne in mind that the need to mitigate tax risks is due to rapid developments in the legal environment, problems with tax law interpretation, increasing reporting burdens and, last but not least, the intensity of ongoing tax investigation procedures.

What benefits do we offer?

Development and implementation of procedures
Certainty and assurance in the field of law and taxes
Assurance in the event of a tax investigation
Limitation of personal liability
Foundation for stable business growth
Ongoing support in interpretation of the laws and regulations

Mitigation of tax risks - the proposal

  • Review of tax procedures (VAT, CIT) – identification of risks and hazards associated with errors in tax accounting and errors, identifying available tax optimization areas.
  • Daily tax & legal consultancy, assistance in the interpretation of the applicable legislation, producing legal opinions and applications for tax rulings.
  • Preparation and implementation of tax risk mitigation procedures.
  • Recommendations and assistance in changing the legal status of a business if risk mitigation is required, while maintaining a high level of tax efficiency.
  • Continuous monitoring, reporting and consultancy in the field of law and taxes, to mitigate and prevent the occurrence of tax risks, and to safely increase the business profits.

We will successfully mitigate tax risks, giving our clients a legal certainty coupled with specific financial advantages.

Try us, and the most advanced global standards are guaranteed